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Martingales And Breast Plates


dever bib mart

Dever Classic Bib Martingale

Dever Classic Bib Martingale features quality English Leather with Stainless Steel fittings.

The two straps of the martingale are joined by a solid trianglular piece of leather. This prevents an excitable horse from getting caught up in the straps. Can also be used for Showjumping and Eventing as a steering aid as it helps keep the horse straight and focused ahead. This is also the reason that the Bib Martingale is often used when excersising racehorses.

Available in Cob Full and Extra Full


Martingales and Breast Plates

Ascot Standing Martingale

Quality Leather Standing Martingale with Stainless Steel fittings.

The aim of the Standing Martingale is to prevent the horse from raising its head too high. It attaches to the girth & passes between the horses front legs & fastens up to the back of the noseband. 

Available in Standard Width (consisting of a 1/2″/13mm neck strap and a second body strap, 3/4″/19mm wide)  Pony-Cob

Available in Standard Width (consisting of a 1/2″/13mm neck strap and a second body strap, 1″/25mm wide)

Cob-Full, Extra-Full

From £30

ascot running martingale 1 L1

Ascot Running Martingale

Ascot Quality Leather Running Martingale with Stainless Steel fittings.

A Running Martingale is one of the most popular rider aids. It is used to help prevent the horse from raising his head too high. It consists of a 1/2″/13mm neck strap and a second strap, 1″/25mm wide, which is attached to the girth and passes between the horses front legs before dividing into two pieces. At the end of each of these straps is a small metal ring through which the reins pass.

When the horse carries its head in the correct position no pressure is felt. However, should the horse raise its head the martingale will restrict the movement of the reins, which in turn causes the bit to bear down on the bars of the horses mouth. The martingale should be fitted so that the rings are in line with the withers to prevent it putting any pressure on the reins when the horses head is held in the correct position.

Generally used with rubber rein stops, which are located on the rein between the bit & the Martingale ring.

Available in Standard Width: Shetland, Pony, Cob, Full, Extra-Full 

From £30

ascot hunting breastplate with running martingale attachment 25 L1

Ascot Breast Plate With Running Attachment

Ascot Quality Leather Breastplate with Stainless Steel Fittings.

This Breastplate is fully adjustable and comes complete with a Leather Lined running martingale attachment. The Breastplate is used to help keep the saddle in place.

The addition of a running attachment assists with keeping the reins aligned and the head from getting too high.

The Standard Weight Breastplate features a 5/8″/16mm Neck Strap,1/2″/13mm Wither Straps and a 3/4″/19mm Strap to the Girth.

The Extra-Full Breastplate features a  5/8″/16mm Neck Strap, 1/2″/13mm Wither Straps and a 1″/25mm Strap to the Girth. ( For larger horses or extended use)

Available in Black or Brown Leather

Sizes: Pony-Cob, Cob-Full, Extra-Full

P-C £70

C-F £75

XF – £80

dever hunt

Dever Classic Hunt Breast Plate With Running Attachment

Fine Quality English Leather with Stainless Steel Fittings.

This Breastplate is fully adjustable and comes complete with a running martingale attachment. 

The Standard Weight Breastplate features an unlined running martingale attachment; 

With a 5/8″/16mm Neck Strap,1/2″/13mm Wither Straps and a 3/4″/19mm Strap to the Girth.

The Hunt Weight Breastplate features a Lined (behind the split) Running Martingale attachment and comes with a 3/4″/19mm Neck Strap, 5/8″/16mm Wither Straps and a 1″/25mm Strap to the Girth. ( For larger horses or extended use)

Available in Black or Brown

Standard Individual Sizes: Cob, Full

Hunt Fully Adjustable Sizes: Cob-Full , Ex Full

£121 Cob-Full

£130 Ex Full

dever bib

Dever Classic Bib Attachment

Dever Classic Bib Attachment features quality English Leather and stainless steel fittings. The two straps of the Bib Attachment are joined by a trianglular piece of leather. For use with a running martingale.

The Bib Attachment comes in one size.

Available in  

Black or Brown  Leather 


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Fairfax Performance Breast Plate

This breastplate is based on scientific research and is designed to:

Prevent the saddle slipping back when needed
Work without restricting the horses breathing
Allow the horse to maintain his natural jumping action or shape over a fence One size, fully adjustable (not suitable for ponies).

Available in Black and Brown
